🔎 In Search of a Fresh start
Jul 04, 2022
On the birthdate of our nation, we pause to think about our country’s fresh start that paved the way for our independence in 1776. Fresh starts are a part of our history, human nature, and professional lives. To make way for the new — new ways of thinking, working, interacting, and behaving — we must first let go of what was in order to create space for a different and better future.
It seems like people are searching for a fresh start everywhere we turn. The Great Resignation has been a topic of conversation in the workplace over the last few years, and it doesn't appear to be ending anytime soon. A quick overview of recent news articles reveals pivots from teaching to full-time art, career switches post-lay off, and a Big 4 professional shifting to part-time consulting work for flexibility.
In a recent Harvard Business Review article, authors proposed the idea that the underlying source and cause of The Great Resignation stems from deep and individual exploration.
“Pandemic life forced everyone to reexamine their personal and professional priorities. Remote work alerted us to the possibility of decoupling jobs from geography. And a seller’s labor market empowers us to pursue it. It’s a personal awakening incubating an exploratory movement that is reshaping how and why we work, live, and think about our futures,” Ferrazzi and Clementi wrote.
When we think about exploration coupled with the staggering statistics (i.e., April 2022 was the 11th month in a row that over four million Americans quit their jobs), it’s no surprise that fresh starts are a recurring topic of conversation — in our personal and professional lives alike.
Apogy is starting a new chapter too
As we enter the second half of the year, many more folks will search for and explore new career paths, others will set goals they want to achieve by the end of the year, and some will pursue a reset after managing the stressors of the last few years. We’re reshaping how and why we work and how we will integrate work into our lives as we go forward. As it turns out, Apogy is also turning the page and writing a new chapter with a fresh start.
On Wednesday, June 15th, Apogy launched its expanded and enhanced Change Leader Training and Certification program. If you’re on the path of exploration, pursuing a fresh start of your own, need some assistance advancing your career, or fall somewhere in between, it's perfect for you.
What makes Apogy’s program different?
We combine change management training (what you do) with leadership development (who you are), so you can excel in all areas of your career and professional life. On top of that, we integrate well-being and resilience education and tools into our training, which are key to building more robust, adaptable organizations, higher performing teams, and more confident, compassionate employees. Apogy’s proven methodology and frameworks for leading and influencing organizational change are not changing (The ART and Science of Change Leadership still applies). Instead, we’ve added more content to help clients develop their leadership traits and competencies, improve internal processes, and cultivate cultures where people, change, and innovation thrive.
Who is Apogy’s program for?
We develop change leaders at all levels in an organization. No matter your role or what you want it to be, our program will give you the leadership skills, change management knowledge, and tools for developing the resilience you need to excel. In particular, Apogy is for you if you are:
- A recent graduate or early-career professional
- An aspiring or current organizational change management professional
- A leader starting a change management capability or forming a function
- A mid-level manager or director who leads people, projects, or strategy execution
- A professional in project management, change management, business transformation, human resources, operations innovation, or information technology
- A professional in search of a career change, who wants to make a positive impact in the workplace
On the path to a fresh start together
No matter what path you’re on or where you’d like to go next, Apogy is here to support you as you pursue a fresh start.
Apogy's change management training and certification can be experienced in multiple ways: as a self-led training program, with strategic coaching and advising, or as a group training. Through July 15, 2022, we're offering a discount off the course ($150) and coaching packages ($300). Questions? Please email us at [email protected].
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