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😕What Skills Are Lacking in Your Organization?

change leader change management talent training upskilling Mar 14, 2023

In a recent study of more than 200 HR and C-suite leaders of organizations across industries and sizes, 1 in 4 employers said they faced challenges with the development of current and future leaders.

Of the employers who identified upskilling/reskilling talent as a challenge, the top three skills they said were most lacking were communication, leading change, and technical skills.

Change management is both a skill and a practice. The purpose of change management is to empower people to power business change – which is clearly a priority for organizations today.

If you’re ready to level-up as a leader and contribute at a higher level to your organization's performance, we invite you to check out Apogy’s proven change management training and certification program.

Apogy Certified Change Leaders possess the knowledge and skills to effectively communicate and lead technology change, process change, or people and culture change.

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