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Welcome to Apogy...and the story behind the name.

change management leadership Aug 28, 2020

Hi! My name is Jessica Crow, I'm the founder and chief educator here at Apogy. Welcome to my website, and thanks for your interest! 

I decided to start Apogy after spending +15 years as a corporate professional, serving in different business and operational roles. I'm grateful for the experience; I acquired valuable skills and also understand what it's like to be on a team, to lead a team, and to interact with employees from all levels.  

I have a LOT of experience when it comes to project strategy, execution and integration. Everything from the point of ideation to rolling out the actual "solution". I used quotes here because the solution varies depending on the problem the business is trying to solve. It could be the introduction of a new product, system or tool; a change in the organizational structure or specific job roles; even a business strategy shift. I've been through it all! 

Any time a project is initiated, there's a future state in mind and a change employees must make in order for that future state to be realized. Even if the change is positive - new technology! increased automation! safer processes! - a smooth integration of the "solution" into the daily workflow or culture can be a challenge. 

I have experienced first-hand what happens when the impact on people (employees, customers, partners) isn't sufficiently planned for as part of the business project.  There's a direct impact on productivity, morale, retention, revenue, customer satisfaction and even public perception can be affected. 

I've learned what works and what doesn't when it comes to successfully executing a project and managing the people side of change. While I'm a big fan of learning through experience, I'm an even bigger fan of using proven process and tools. That's why I created Apogy! I want to share with you the best-of what I've learned along the way so you can save time, money and head/heartache. 

So Apogy... I chose the name Apogy and it's unique spelling for two reasons. First, the actual term "apogee" has dual meaning. (1) It refers to the highest point in the development of something - the culmination or apex. (2) It also refers to a point in orbit where an object is furthest from the earth. 

I liked the first meaning because every company I've ever worked for had a big picture vision of what it would like to be, i.e. "the greatest [fill in the blank]". The entire business strategy was based on that vision, and decisions were made based on whether or not the outcome would further advance the company in reaching it's lofty goals. 

I liked the second meaning as well because there is an orbit for business growth and decline; headwinds and tailwinds that cycle in and out depending on a multitude of factors. This very real dynamic has a direct impact on individual project success. Even the best solutions can fail in the best business environment if this reality isn't accepted and how people will react to the change isn't planned for appropriately. 

The second reason I chose the name Apogy and it's unique spelling is to honor my children. I have two boys and both of my son's have a "y" in their first names. It's a simple way for me to connect being an entrepreneur and the courage it took to bet on myself, to them. I hope one day if they ever decide to start their own business they think: if mom could do it, then I can do it too. :)

I plan to post content frequently, so please check back here often for new updates. Or better yet, subscribe to my email list and be first to know when new content, courses, tools and freebies become available. 

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