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🎙️Technology as a Catalyst for Change in Healthcare with Tiffany Bray, VP, Path

#changemanagement change leadership healthcare mental health techology Oct 22, 2023
Change Leader Insights

In this episode, Apogy founder and Change Leader Insights host Jessica Crow speaks with Tiffany Bray, Vice President of Health Systems at Path, a teletherapy company that was recently named one of 2023’s top startups on LinkedIn.

Tiffany is a results and mission-driven executive with over 20 years of experience in multiple healthcare sectors. Her work with payers, providers, and medical device manufacturers has led to innovative value-based care programs with win-win outcomes. Tiffany is known for her ability to translate complex business strategies to actionable deliverables, including strategy development, project leadership, process improvement, change management, and clinical care delivery innovation.

In this conversation, Jessica and Tiffany discuss the challenges and opportunities of enacting change in the healthcare space, and specifically mental health. Tiffany explains why mental health awareness and services are more important now than ever before, especially for children and teens, and how technology is making mental healthcare more accessible, affordable, and available to consumers.

As with any transformative change initiative, Tiffany shares the importance of understanding who your key stakeholders are, how they would react to the change, and why thoughtful planning is the key to avoiding pitfalls and overcoming barriers.

Be sure to tune into this month’s episode to learn what it’s like to be a change leader at an innovative healthcare company – you will be glad you did!

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