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Message from the Founder

change leadership change management well-being Jan 03, 2022

Happy near year! If I were to summarize how I feel about the year ahead, it would be “cautiously optimistic”. On one hand, I’m excited to execute on our plans to innovate and serve our growing community of change leaders in 2022. On the other, I’m anticipating more disruption, challenge, and change.

If the past two years have taught me anything, it’s that the lines between work and home no longer exist. At any given time, we or someone we know – a friend, family member, or colleague - may be experiencing a personal tragedy, burnout, or fatigue.

This impacts our stress, emotions, and well-being, as well as how we interact and perform in the workplace. Now more than ever, empathy and compassion for our shared human experience will be critical as we collectively navigate change and challenge in the days ahead.

Are you prepared to lead change in another year of the “new normal”? In what ways must you adapt your approach to ensure your company's most valuable asset – its people – have the energy to not just survive, but thrive in 2022?

I would love to hear from you.  Please email me at [email protected] to connect, share your story, or to learn more about how Apogy can help. 

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