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Keeping Your Well-Being in Check

Sep 27, 2021

Change leaders are frequently involved in complex transitions that can easily bleed into personal time if not managed properly. Last week we polled our social media followers to find out how they stay accountable to their well-being in the workplace.

The results are in, and as the responses indicate, there is no one way to incorporate and sustain healthy habits in your daily life. Personalizing your own accountability plan will allow you to consider more real-life scenarios to promote better success. Plus, focusing on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being supports a healthy lifestyle and an adaptive mindset, both of which are necessary for building resilience and overcoming resistance to change – yours included.  

Are you prone to putting the needs of others before your own? We suggest formalizing your well-being efforts by adding it into your calendar like any other task. Seeing time carved out will increase the likelihood that you will remember to follow through.

Do you find yourself working around the clock outside of typical working hours? We recommend establishing firm start and end work times. This will not only promote boundaries but also help you remain present with friends, family, and loved ones before and after hours.

Do you work best in a group environment? Consider an accountability partner to make plans with throughout the day. This could be exercise or even a quick walk outside. Bonus points if you’re able to take a walk in nature!

Treat your well-being as a non-negotiable time commitment to yourself and see the benefits immediately!

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