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How Apogy's Change Leadership + Coaching Program Works

change leadership coaching Aug 30, 2021

Studies show that up to 75% of newly acquired information can be discarded by the brain if not utilized within just six days. The science behind learning indicates that the best way to combat this brain drain is to digest training in bite-sized, manageable pieces with frequent reinforcement and repetition.

Recognizing this dilemma, Apogy developed its unique change certification + coaching program to provide trainees with support, follow-up, and accountability from an Apogy consultant during and after the course ends.

What's included?

Apogy's Organizational Change Leadership Certification + Coaching program comes with a fully on-demand training course, lifetime access to helpful resources, and seven coaching sessions with an experienced consultant who has direct experience leading change and transformation initiatives.

How does it work?

When you sign up for Apogy's Organizational Change Leadership Certification + Coaching program, you'll immediately receive access to the course. Soon after, you'll be contacted by an Apogy consultant to set up your first coaching session. If you'd like more than seven sessions, you can purchase more on an as-needed basis.

It's that easy!

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