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🎙️How to Maintain Organizational Agility and Achieve Sustainable Results with Kimberly Eubanks, CCMP

change leader insights Sep 18, 2023
Change Leader Insights

In this episode, Apogy founder and Change Leader Insights host Jessica Crow speaks with Kimberly Eubanks, a certified change management professional and organizational effectiveness leader at VF Corporation.

As a leadership coach, thought partner, and experienced executive, Kimberly brings the full breadth of her more than 20 years of professional experience into every interaction. Keen on effectiveness and engaging people where they are, she leverages process and connection synchronously to result in a leadership style that resonates with leaders and contributors at every level. 

During this thought-provoking and highly informative conversation, Kimberly shares what it’s like to lead change and transformation for a global organization. She explains the importance of being an agile leader; how to meet employees “where they are at” to inspire action; and gives several examples on how change leaders can create adaptive, measurable, and change-ready environments that fulfill both the business and employee needs.

If you’ve ever wondered how leaders at the most innovative and forward-thinking companies maintain organizational agility and achieve sustainable results, do not miss this episode!

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