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Four Rules to Live By During the Great Workspace Reinvention

change leadership well-being Sep 20, 2021

Gone are the days when the majority of companies dictated where employees must perform their respective job duties. But gone, too, are the days of consistent experiences across the global workforce – partly by choice, partly by design.

Made possible by technology and an increasingly tech savvy workforce and accelerated by COVID-19 restrictions, the hybrid workplace is here to stay. And yet, despite the momentum behind the movement to work-from-anywhere, the transition has been  anything but an orderly process. 

While many individuals are flocking to employers willing to support a fully remote work setup, there are plenty who still prefer the in-person office environment or even a mix of both.

Similarly, while some companies initiated back-to-office measures as soon as it was possible, others leaned into the idea of work from anywhere and went full-bore into fully remote. Then there’s the growing segment of companies that are taking a hybrid approach - offering employees the option to work onsite, remotely, or some combination of the two.  

Whether you’re fully remote, hybrid, or going back to the office full-time, don’t neglect to prioritize your health and well-being. Burnout should not be the price you pay for employment. We offer the following recommendations to help you maintain a happy, healthy relationship with employment – wherever it is you perform your work from. 

Rule #1: Structure is your friend.

Wherever you find yourself working, remember the power of routine. As author John C. Maxwell wrote, “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret to your success is found in your daily routine.” Bringing balance into your life begins when you make the choice to build it into your schedule.

Pro tip! Take stock of your monthly, weekly, and daily work week schedule. 

  • Are your lunch breaks blocked off? 
  • Do you have 15-minute breaks included as a reminder to get up and move?
  • Do you have a firm “clock-out” time so you can be present with friends, family, and/or loved ones?
  • Do you have opportunities to connect with others outside of work? 

If the answer to any of these questions is no, can you commit to one action this week to get your schedule back in balance? Discuss your plans with your coworkers, family members, and/or roommates so they are aware and ready for the changes you will be making.  

Rule #2: Consistent sleep is key.

Establish an evening routine that includes at least 30 minutes of screen-free time before bedtime. This will allow your eyes to rest after working on a computer, tablet, and/or smartphone all day. Use this time to prepare your mind and body for rest. Consider reading a book, taking a bath, meditating, or journaling. 

Pro tip: eReaders like Kindles that don’t use blue light technology are safe to use before bed.  Research shows reading can not only improve our attitude and outlook, but enhance mental health and well-being. Let’s see how many books you can read this year!   

Rule #3: The commute can – and should – live on.

Whether you work in an office or at home, the commute serves an important role in allowing our brains to process the transition from relaxation to a professional setting. Avoid waking up and immediately grabbing your laptop. Get dressed as you normally would and establish a separate workspace that will allow you to avoid being “on” after hours. 

Pro tip: Wake up slightly earlier and leave your phone on the charger while you enjoy a fresh cup of coffee or tea on your porch or balcony. Rather than letting your to-do’s creep into your mind, use this opportunity to ground yourself by listening to nearby sounds (e.g. birds). By incorporating this ritual into your life, you can establish a healthy “commute” for your brain as you allow yourself time to transition from personal time to work. You’ll clock-in feeling refreshed and ready to succeed. 

Rule #4: It’s time to acknowledge that everything has changed.

While there are pros and cons for each scenario, it’s clear our workflows and work-life balance are impacted by our environment. As such, now is the perfect time to schedule a meeting with your supervisor to align on their expectations and your needs. You can also use the opportunity to discuss any ideas or concerns you might have with your new arrangement.

Pro tip: In light of COVID-19 restrictions, suggest to your supervisor that you meet more frequently (in-person [following health guidelines], online, or even over the phone) to get ahead of misunderstandings or miscommunications. The importance of communication during times of change and transition cannot be overstated. By setting a standard for frequent check-ins with your boss and other decision-makers, you are modeling the behaviors that support lasting change and resilience.  

As we continue to establish a “new normal” in the midst of a global pandemic, taking the time to check-in with yourself and establish new systems and boundaries is more important than ever. Remember, you can avoid burnout and stress by proactively incorporating healthy behaviors into your day-to-day, no matter your workspace  situation.

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