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📜Earn a Change Management Certification Through Apogy

change management Apr 05, 2023

Do you want to get certified in change management, but don't want to spend thousands of dollars or days away from work to get trained?

If so, we invite you to check out Apogy's change management training and certification program.

At Apogy, we teach the ART and Science of Change Leadership; our proven, results-driven methodology is based on decades of hands-on experience and research in human behavior change to ensure you can hit the ground running after completing our accelerated training program.

Apogy's Change Management Certification program is ideal for:

➡️Recent college graduates who want to advance quickly
➡️People who need change management training for their roles
➡️Project and people managers who are rolling out org changes
➡️Consultants who want credentials to demonstrate their expertise
➡️Anyone who wants to be more effective as a leader at work

Want to learn more? Contact us at [email protected] today!

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