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Change Leader Speaker Series: Meet Shelly Blakeman, BNP Paribas, Bank of the West

agile business transformation change leader change management speaker series Apr 11, 2022

At Apogy, we frequently coach clients on how to make the first move when it comes to starting a change management capability, and how to secure small wins that build buy-in for their big ideas to improve the way change works within their organizations.    

In the latest Change Leader Speaker Series interview, Apogy Founder Jessica Crow sits down with Shelly Blakeman, a vice president with BNP Paribas, Bank of the West, to hear how she built the business case for change management after identifying an opportunity to improve ROI from project investments.

Shelly, who currently serves as the Agile@Scale Transformation Change Management Work Stream Lead, explains how she leveraged her knowledge of change management to improve business results, build a community of practice, and take on a brand-new role leading change and transformation efforts for the bank.

Be sure to listen to the key takeaways she shares at the end of the conversation, which is posted on Apogy's YouTube channel and members only resource library, which also includes free tools and resources for subscribers!

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