🎙️Change Leader Speaker Series: Meet Nabil, OCM Consultant, Trainer, and Coach
Jul 03, 2022Apogy is pleased to welcome Mohamed Nabil khalil, an organizational change management (OCM) consultant, trainer, and coach who lives and works in Egypt, to Apogy's Change Leader Speaker Series! Nabil is a Certified Change Management Professional (CCMP) with a diverse professional background. During the conversation, he shares his story and approach to change management, including what's worked, what hasn't, and what happens when OCM isn't a C-Suite priority. His examples, perspectives, and insights are sure to resonate with change practitioners from around the globe.
Highlights include: how to integrate OCM into SAP projects, how to think about OCM business case development, how to respond when clients don't think they need change management, and so much more!
To listen and watch the replay, click on this link or go to Apogy's members only resource library, which includes tons of videos and free tools!
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