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Change Leader Speaker Series: Meet Chantal Audet, Founder of Alive & Daring Consulting

change leader compassion speaker series well-being wellbeingatwork Mar 28, 2022

The world of business is fast-paced, competitive, and constantly changing. Workplace agility and effectiveness in this environment are critical for business success. The key to sustainable high performance isn't about working harder, but smarter and healthier. 

Join Jessica Crow, the founder of Apogy and a certified yoga instructor, and Chantal Audet, a certified wellness coach, organizational change consultant, and the founder of Alive & Daring Consulting as they discuss ways to cultivate adaptive, change-ready cultures where employees feel connected, find meaning, and thrive amidst uncertainty and continual change. 

The conversation is posted on Apogy's YouTube channel and members only resource library, which also includes free tools and resources for subscribers!


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