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🎙️Change Leader Insights, Professor Julie Hodges, Durham University

change leader insights Jun 18, 2023
Change Leader Insights

In this episode, Apogy founder Jessica Crow speaks with Professor Julie Hodges, Durham University Business School. Julie is a leading expert on change in organizations, particularly the role and impact of people during transformations.  Before entering the academic world, Julie worked as a business consultant for over 20 years in several profit and non-profit organizations, including PwC, Vertex, and the British Council. Julie also is the author of several books, including Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change, Managing and Leading People through Change’ (Kogan Page); and Sustaining Change in Organizations (Sage).

During this highly informative conversation, Jessica and Julie discuss her upcoming book and some of the insights she’ll be sharing resulting from her research, as well as hot topics such as the impact technology and AI on the workforce, why practitioners need to move way from linear change management models, the role of middle managers in organizational change, and which skills can enhance change leader effectiveness in the modern, distributed workplace. If you lead, design, or study organizational change, be sure to tune in and learn from one of the top leaders and influencers in Change Management in the world today!

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