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🎙️Change Leader Insights: Douglas Flory, Change Expert, Consultant, ACMP Global BoD

change influencer change leader change leader insights resilience Apr 16, 2023
Change Leader Insights

In this episode, Apogy founder Jessica Crow speaks with change management expert Douglas Flory. Douglas is an executive consultant, coach, and speaker with a passion for helping organizations improve the way change works. He also sits on the Board of Directors for the Association of Change Mangement Professionals (ACMP Global), which is an industry group committed to advancing the profession and discipline of change management.

In this interview, Jessica and Douglas discuss the value of developing change management skills no matter what your current role is, and how to think about the concept of change fatigue versus change resilience. If you've ever wondered what you can do to improve the resiliency of your organization through effective change leadership - be sure to tune in and hear what Douglas has to say. You'll be glad you did!

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