Finding Time to Get Moving: World Bicycle Day
Jun 03, 2021Apogy was founded on the premise that employee well-being is key to delivering company performance. As such, we support World Bicycle Day! The bicycle not only serves as a sustainable, economical means of transportation, but also is a tool for personal development and well-being. Research shows that 30 minutes of physical activity (like riding a bike) can:
- Improve mood, focus and energy
- Increase flexibility and strength
- Reduce stress and cortisol levels
Whether it is riding a bike or talking a walk, moving your body every day (between meetings if possible) has a positive impact on your physical, mental and emotional health.
Why Celebrate World Bicycle Day?
World Bicycle Day was created to honor bicyclists around the world. The bicycle is a simple, reliable, and environmentally friendly mode of transportation. Thanks to the bicycle, millions of people around the world have access to education, health care, and sports.
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