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🎙️Change Leader Speaker Series: Meet Jennifer Thompson, ViTL Solutions

speaker series Nov 20, 2022

Apogy is pleased to welcome Jennifer Thompson, Principal Consultant at ViTL Solutions, to the Change Leader Speaker Series! In this informative conversation, Jen and Apogy founder Jessica Crow discuss the importance of learning and how developing skills in “adjacent” practices can increase your effectiveness as a leader of people, projects, and organizational change. 

Jen’s own passion for learning, process improvement, and people influenced her decision to earn her Master’s in Organizational Leadership, and led her to pursue certifications in project management, change management, and Six Sigma.  She attributes her ability to meet client needs to her expansive toolkit, and says it's helped her better articulate ideas to different audiences because she has a variety of methodologies and approaches to draw on. 

Highlights from the conversation include: the parallels between project and change management; the importance of written and verbal communication; her thoughts on whether change management should be a standalone function or integrated within teams; and the one thing she wishes all change managers would do that to help the c-suite understand the value of change management.

If you are considering getting additional training to add to your professional repertoire, be sure to listen to this interview first. Thank you, Jen, for sharing your expertise and insights with Apogy’s community! 

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